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The Madison Area Builders Association hosts five committees that conduct meetings on a monthly basis. The Association also has members who serve on the Finance Committee and the MABA Foundation Committee, which meet as needed. The Madison Area Builders Association Board of Directors meet monthly and members serve varying terms, of which elections take place on an annual basis for expiring terms.

Government Affairs Committee

The Government Affairs committee focuses on legal and political factors relating to the building industry on a local, state, and national level. Meetings typically include special guests from local political or legal organizations with discussion of current events and upcoming legislation happening in the industry. Similar to a special interest group, committee meetings are open to all Association members who wish to attend.

Government Affairs Chair - Brian McKee, Midwest Homes

Parade of Homes Executive Committee

The Parade of Homes Executive Committee consists of Builder and Associate members and is in charge of planning and executing the Madison Area Parade of Homes event in June and the Fall Parade of Homes event in October.

Parade of Homes Executive Chair - Justin Temple, Temple Builders, LLC

Professional Women in Building (PWB) Council

The Women in the Construction Industry Wisconsin group, composed of members from the Madison Area Builders Association, Metropolitan Builders Association, and National Association of the Remodeling Industry (NARI) of Madison, came together in 2020 to form a NAHB PWB Council for the Madison & Milwaukee region. The PWB council is dedicated to inspiring, promoting & supporting women in the industry through education & networking.

PWB Council Chair - Julie Davies, Weather Shield

Skilled Trades Development Committee

The Skilled Trades Development Committee consists of Association members, community members, and area education teachers. The mission of the committee is to advocate for the skilled trades industry and engage in programs that promote the favorable aspects of a career in the trades to local youth.

Skilled Trades Development Chair - Ed Hoksbergen, Encore Homes, Inc.


The VIBE Committee is in charge of planning membership events, recruiting new industry members to join the Association, and retaining current membership by serving as an ambassador for the Association. VIBE stands for Value, Improvement, Benefit, Enhancement - a reflection of the mission of this committee.

VIBE Chair - Angie Kieta, LP Building Solutions

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